
Monday, March 15, 2010

Discovery Time

In Discovery Time this week our focus was on making good choices.
Read some of the children's comments about how they made a good choice.
Zac - I made a house with the tyres with Cameron and Hunter made it with us too. We made a good choice because we all played together.
Katelyn - I made a card for Olly and he didn't want it. We decided to make it and not argue.
Michael - I made a card for my Mum. I will give it to my Mum.
Jacob - I nailed my jet boat myself and did not have to call Julie to do it.
Dean - When I was playing with the playdough, Ben said to me - "Can I play?" and I said, "yes". Then Ben wanted more playdough and I let him have more playdough.
Hunter - Liam, Zac and Cameron, we made a house together with the tyres.
Liam B - I helped Jacob take his stuff to the mat.


  1. What a lot of neat things you've been doing! I love reading the posts on your blog - they're all really fantastic!

  2. Wow! Rockets, making good choices is such a skill that will help you for life! Good job!

  3. I like hearing about the fun you have a discovery time. What important skills you are learning at the same time! Ebony

  4. Making good choices is so important! Not only will it help you now, it will help you when you are 100! Great choices The Rockets!
